The Live Well San Diego vision was built on the collective impact model which requires that cross-sector organizations come together in support of a common agenda, agree to track progress in the same way, and coordinate efforts to continuously improve programs and initiatives that positively affect quality of life in San Diego County.

Live Well San Diego aligns the efforts of government, community partners and individuals to help all residents be healthy, safe and thriving. We measure the impact of all these efforts through the 5 Areas of Influence, each with their own set of data indicators, known as the Live Well San Diego Top 10 Indicators. These indicators measure and track over time what it means to live well in San Diego County.

Each sector is making an effort to impact the same residents we have in common, all in their respective “lanes,” doing what they do best. Under the vision, all of these activities and strategies are coordinated and aligned to show how the work is advancing our mutual goals. For collective impact to work, there are 5 conditions that need to be met (image at right), and in the simplest terms:



We Can Do More Together

Then We Could Ever Do Alone