SAY San Diego Opens Facilities During Pandemic

March 15, 2021

SAY San Diego Provides Needed Educational Support during COVID-19

Ronald Epps, Communications & External Relations Manager, SAY San Diego  

As schools closed their doors and converted to online learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic, SAY San Diego creatively responded by offering new part-time and full-day educational support options.

Students across San Diego, abruptly switching to distance learning at home, lost access to friends, tutors, and activities that we know are crucial for their development and wellness. Simultaneously, parents had to now figure out how to provide a proper learning environment and stimulation to keep their kids engaged, all while still working full-time jobs or navigating a job search due to an abrupt layoff.

This struggle shined a spotlight on the necessity of quality educational enrichment and childcare across all income levels and demographics. School, beyond a place where kids go to learn and grow while many parents work, is also a critical community hub of support and resources.

With safety, cleaning and social distance protocols established, in the fall of 2020 SAY San Diego reopened two childcare and educational enrichment facilities; Dingeman in the Scripps Ranch area for school age children and the Early Childhood Center in Kearny Mesa for infant and preschool aged children.

SAY San Diego

At both locations, child development experts assist students with their individual distance learning schedules and schoolwork. These sites also allow for small groups of students to participate in daily enrichment activities that include outdoor games and fitness, arts and crafts, social-emotional engagements and more.

Like many parents, Emily struggled to manage the abrupt jump to working fulltime at home all while navigating Daughter Isabelle’s distance learning. Now dropping her off each day, she is confident, reporting:

“I’m grateful she gets great educational assistance from SAY’s Dingeman program! It is a huge relief to me to know she is as safe as possible during the Pandemic” and to “have her enjoy going so much and to socialize in a clean safe socially distant manner. Thank you SAY Dingeman!”

If you or someone you know is looking for school age, preschool or infant child our sites are ready to welcome your children. For program and registration information visit our website at or email