Alliance Healthcare Foundation Funds Global and Local Communities in Need

April 3, 2022

Alliance Healthcare Foundation Funds Global and Local Communities in Need

Alliance Healthare Foundation Newsletter

Alliance Heathcare Foundation is helping to financially support both the global and local community. Jewish Family Service of San Diego received a grant from Alliance Healthcare Foundation to help provide services to Ukraine refugees arriving in San Diego County.

Jewish Family Service provides robust immigration legal services in addition to humanitarian and respite shelter for asylum seekers who have been released into the United States by the Department of Homeland Security. Since their founding in 1918, Jewish Family Service has been committed to Welcoming the Stranger–they have assisted and connected thousands of refugees to housing, employment, and education.

Jewish Family Service of San Diego has recently begun serving families — mostly mothers with their children — arriving at the San Diego Rapid Response Network Migrant Shelter after fleeing the war in Ukraine. They are actively assisting with respite shelter, food, transportation services, medical care, and legal services, as needed.

Visit NPR-KPBS for an interview with Maryna about her journey with her two daughters from Ukraine to San Diego.

In addition, Alliance Healthcare Foundation is supporting San Diego for Every Child, a local guaranteed basic income pilot project. This pilot project is an economic justice tool to help address the racial and gender inequities that impact the lives of children experiencing poverty. There are now 150 participating families who have received their first payment of $500. They will continue receiving this monthly income over the course of the next two years to spend, save or invest as they want. To learn more and how you can help reduce the experience of child poverty, visit Take Action, San Diego for Every Child.

About Alliance Healthcare Foundation:

Alliance Healthcare Foundation envisions a San Diego and Imperial County region where equitable health resources lead to universal health and well-being. They work to advance health and wellness for the most vulnerable in San Diego and Imperial counties through funding, convening and advocacy, with funders, nonprofit, social enterprises, government and community agencies to advance health and wellness.