Man receives flu vaccine at a clinic

January 5, 2022

Youth - Maybe You Want to Get a Job in the New Year? Access Inc. has a Program for You!

Kristie Buckley, President & CEO, Access Inc.

What will I be when I grow up?  What does it take to get a job today or this summer?  How do I even begin? If you have been asking yourself these questions, you’re in luck! 

If you are between the ages of 16 and 24 you can sign up for a two hour on-line training designed just for you with Access Inc..  You will learn what you can do to get a job now (employers are hiring all over San Diego) or keep the information in mind for the future. 

This is a special program made possible through the San Diego Workforce Partnership and everyone who finishes gets a $50 gift card.  Although it sounds too good to be true, it is intended to give you a taste of what it is like to earn some money and motivate you to look for work to keep the wages coming. If you decide to just take the course and not look for work now, no problem, you still keep the gift card.

Noah finished the course and had this to say. 

“I didn’t know what to expect but my basketball friends and I did it together at school. It was easy to understand, and we will definitely use the info when we apply for jobs.  We were doing high fives when we got the gift cards!”

It takes less than 15 minutes to sign up.  All you need is access to a computer with internet and if that is a problem, we can find a convenient place for you to take the course with others your age.

Any questions or ready to sign up today? - Contact Kimya Crawford at or call  (858) 560-0871 x114. You can also sign up online at

To learn more about Access Inc., visit the website at, where you will learn about their very cool youth programs!