Urban Corps Helps Harvest Produce For Food Insecure San Diegans

April 6, 2021

Urban corps helps harvest produce for food insecure san diegans

Urban Corps, Annual Report

This year, Urban Corps provided essential COVID-19 services by harvesting over 220,800 servings of produce for food insecure San Diegans. This was accomplished in partnership with ProduceGood and as a participant in their Orchard Upcycler Program – a program, supported by CalRecycle, whose mission is to increase immediate access to fresh produce for those in need.

Working alongside ProduceGood, Urban Corps harvested produce from orchards across San Diego and, additionally, provided delivery services to feeding partners. Corpsmembers took pride in being part of the solution to food insecurity and were excited to serve. Said Felix Velasco, supervisor at Urban Corps, “We love that we have been able to keep working, especially during these hard times, and to also provide food for the community.”

To read more about the impact that Urban Corps has had on its community, view their newly released annual report.