Since 1963, Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest has been providing confidential, comprehensive, high-quality medical services to the communities of San Diego, Riverside, and Imperial counties. Their Education and Training Center helps people make sound sexual health decisions through comprehensive sexuality education that seeks to help people develop a positive view of sexuality, provide them with information and skills to take care of their sexual health, and help them acquire skills to make responsible decisions now and in the future.
Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest has supported residents by:
• Offering transgender health services for patients 18 years and older in 2019 with plans to expand the program across the entire 3-county region. They are also expanding their network of referrals for transgender patients who are seeking surgery, legal aid, and many other social services.
• Providing health education and training programs to nearly 20,000 youth, adults and professionals, including over 500 young people in San Diego County through the evidence-based California Personal Responsibility Education Program funded through the State of California.
• Implementing the Teen Talk sex education curriculum designed for youth of varying intellectual and developmental abilities, in an effort to increase access to vital health education for this historically underserved population.
• Eliminating barriers to care through an innovative partnership with local Walgreens Specialty Pharmacies to ensure patients eligible to receive PEP and PrEP through subsidized programs could get time-sensitive medications within 1-2 hours, including on Saturdays. This has led to less stress and happier patients as well as improved health outcomes.
• Partnering with 2-1-1 San Diego to participate in the Community Information Exchange which allows a seamless and reciprocal referral stream to ensure San Diego County residents get their health and social service needs met more efficiently.