Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Goes Virtual

Planned Parenthood Shifts Sex Ed Classes to Virtual Platform to Meet Student Needs

NEWS // June 3, 2020

Jessica Logan, Director of Marketing and Communications, Planned Parenthood

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest has continued to provide quality health education programs to the community by making an important shift from in-person teaching to virtual classes.

Many of the classes are being taught to high school and college students, as well as members of the community. During online trainings, students have been able to ask questions through Zoom’s “chat” feature. Participants have also been provided with online videos supported with a packet of activities and resources about sexual health, mental health, and tobacco and alcohol use.

Since launching their online sex education classes in April, Planned Parenthood has provided evidence-based education and training to about 500 people in San Diego County with many more classes scheduled this summer.

“I want to thank you for your time and dedication to inform us on different sexual safe practices during this challenging time we are all facing,” said one participant.

“Thank you for your hard work advocating for people to engage in safe and knowledgeable sex!” said another participant. “Also, thank you so much for using gender neutral language!”

School doesn’t stop when the Zoom session ends. Many students continue to follow their Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok channels to stay informed.

Learn more about their classes at

Planned Parenthood Teaches SexEd Online