Feeding San Diego Celebrates Their 15th year of Fighting Hunger

May 8, 2022

Feeding San Diego Celebrates Their 15th year of Fighting Hunger

Deanna Murphy, Ranch & Coast Magazine

In May 2022, Feeding San Diego celebrated their 15th year of serving the community. It’s estimated that roughly one third of San Diegans face food insecurity and according to Feeding America, 16.5% of San Diego’s kids are food insecure. Feeding San Diego has worked with hundreds of food donors to divert edible food surplus away from landfills to various food recovery organizations.

Through the support of their network of volunteers, donors, community organizations, food donors, and other stakeholders, Feeding Sand Diego has distributed over 300 million meals since 2007 to those facing hunger in San Diego County. With the recent passing of SB 1383, there is much promise that Feeding San Diego can significantly increase their community impact and bring nutritious food to more people.

To help end hunger and learn more visit Volunteer San Diego – Feeding San Diego

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Ranch & Coast Magazine - May 2022 (