Susan G. Komen San Diego is a grassroots organization focused on equal access to breast health care for all. Susan G. Komen San Diego conducts an in-depth needs assessment every four years to study the county as a whole. This assessment looks at who is getting screened, who is not, and why; who is being diagnosed with breast cancer, at what stage, and where; what groups or populations are at highest risk; and what areas, geographically, are at highest risk. Through this needs assessment, referred to as the Community Profile, Susan G. Komen San Diego can better understand what barriers and gaps exist and how to effectively overcome and bridge gaps through their community grants.
In 2015-16, Komen San Diego granted out $1.1 million in community grants and international breast cancer research, funding ten programs here in San Diego County to provide the following free services:
Through these programs, the following was accomplished in San Diego County: