Casa de Amparo Leads the Charge for Child Abuse Prevention Month

NEWS // May 7, 2016

AMR's  Ambulance Water Safety Month

With the vision of ending child drowning in their county, AMR's Ambulance set out on a special water safety campaign for kids in the month of May. Emergency responders visited elementary schools throughout San Diego talking about and reading specially designed books on the importance of water safety. Students also get to try on life jackets and learned what to do if an incident does occur. With adults, they also worked to dispel the myths surrounding submersion incidents through education and the distribution of "Water Watcher" tags. These wearable tags designate an adult at the party to keep their eyes on the water at all times. AMR's ambulance is committed to promoting wellness in the community, not only by the hard response work of their paramedics, EMTs, and nurses, but also through extensive prevention programming.