Altman Plants

Altman Plants joined Live Well San Diego as a recognized partner on May 25, 2018. The family-owned business was established in 1975 and is now the second largest nursery in North America and reputedly the largest succulent grower in the world with several locations across the United States. In North County, Altman Plants has 18 different sites with over 1,000 employees – supporting local economic development. Altman Plants is invested in the green industry, the impact it has on our thriving local communities and the well-being of its employees.

In 2016, Altman Plants began working with Live Well @ Work to establish a worksite wellness program for its employees. The support for wellness is integral throughout Altman Plants business operations. Through local partnerships and collaborations, Altman Plants provides all of their North County employees with information about community resources such as CalFresh, MediCal, literacy classes, financial assistance, and local food banks. Staff completed trainings with County of San Diego Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention (NEOP) Specialists to learn about healthy nutrition. Now their staff conduct Lunch and Learn classes titled “Rethink Your Drink” and “Choose My Plate” to teach their employees about healthy choices at work and at home. Wellness challenges focused on mental, physical and emotional well-being are another component of the worksite wellness program which encompasses a holistic approach to encourage healthy lifestyles.

In 2018, Altman Plants created a 1-mile walking path at their Vista location to encourage employees to be physically active while also enjoying the beauty of their worksite.  Impressively, all of these wellness opportunities are offered during company time because Altman Plants values employee wellbeing and they want to alleviate any burden of employee participation. Their worksite wellness program is robust and is a great model of supporting a healthy, safe and thriving workplace.


Altman Plants

Learn more about Altman Plants

Altman Plants