Fern Street Community Arts joined Live Well San Diego as a recognized partner on October 13, 2018. Fern Street Community Arts serves families and transforms neighborhoods through performance and teaching of circus arts. Professional artists collaborate with learners and their families in neighborhood settings. Circus transcends barriers between people of varying cultures and languages, combines physical and theatrical skills, and merges the magnificent and the everyday.
Participants co-create every aspect of the circus, using their own talents and available resources, working in public locations, creating visible community.
Fern Street’s staff and board work with community members, circus professionals, and organizational experts to:
1. Positively impact children, teens, & families Through circus performance and education, Fern Street Circus brings positive change to lives of people in neighborhoods.
2. Provide Education Programs
After-school programs change how young people feel about exercise, and help students (6 – 17) learn circus and life skills.
3. Create Original Circus Shows A professional, theatrical circus with live music and locally created sets, Fern Street is built on strategic relationships in diverse communities to enliven public space. The annual fall Neighborhood Tour plays free-of-charge in Mid-City parks.
4. Build Economic Resources
Secure underwriting necessary to: educate young people; produce an annual show; help build community in neighborhoods of need; plan for sustainable organizational growth.