National Veterans Transition Services

National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. joined Live Well San Diego as a recognized partner on July 29, 2016. Founded in 2010, NVTSI is a San Diego-based organization dedicated to assisting veterans in adjusting to civilian life and securing meaningful employment by combining best-practice performance social solutions and techniques. The organization was established by a group of retired high-ranking Naval and Marine Corps officers and workforce development professionals who seek to fill a tremendous gap in veteran transition services.

The mission of NVTSI is to assist veterans in making a successful transition from military service to civilian life, with all veterans achieving, within their potential, their goals in the transition domains of employment and career, education, living situation, personal effectiveness/wellbeing, and community-life functioning.

To accomplish their mission, NVTSI developed a groundbreaking and comprehensive military transition program called the REBOOT Workshop™ designed to scientifically address the personal and social aspects of transition, targeted at increasing the self-esteem and self-efficacy of veterans.

Taking an innovative and holistic approach to learning, REBOOT Workshops™ builds upon a service member’s military training and skills to help participants redefine their personal identity, purpose in life, and desired occupation. Veterans are immersed in a reflective and engaging curriculum that successfully bridges the gap between military and civilian worlds

NVTSI is committed to advancing the Live Well San Diego vision into the future as a role model for healthy, safe and thriving veterans and communities.    

National Veterans Transition Services Proclamation
National Veterans Transition Services Proclamation
Live Well San Diego Recognized Partner National Veterans Transition Services

Read the Partner Resolution


Learn more about National Veterans Transition Services