#GoodNews - Stocking Pantries for Neighbors in Need


Resident Leader Starts Food Drive for Community

Author: Brenda Avalos, Community Building Coordinator, La Costa Paloma, Community Housing Works

Ms. Panda Creates Food Pantry for Neighbors

Ms. Panda Creates Food Pantry for Neighbors

Elia Huerta, known as Ms. Panda to her community, is a volunteer at La Costa Paloma in Carlsbad.  She has been doing her part to keep our community connected by being resourceful, all with a positive attitude.

Ms. Panda started her own little food drive out of her home by collecting canned goods and any extra non-perishable items in case neighbors needed food.  She then took it upon herself to walk the community to ask her neighbors if they were in need.  Two more volunteers, who are also a part of the community’s Resident Leadership Academy, joined her.  As they were walking, residents told her that they would also gather items they don't use or don't need so that she could give them to those that do need them.  

Ms. Panda's Pantry is now a welcome resource for the La Costa Paloma community.


San Diego Police Department Helps 95-Year-Old Man In Need of Food

Author: California Office of Traffic Safety, OTS Tracks Newsletter: April 2020

San Diego Police with Mr. Teo

San Diego Police with Mr. Teo

This is a difficult time for all of us, but it is not stopping the San Diego Police Department from going above and beyond to help a man in need.

In a video posted March 24, officers on a welfare check helped 95-year-old "Mr. Teo" with grocery shopping, picking up supplies and dinner from a local restaurant.

"This is how we win," San Diego Police said. How we win indeed.


Advocate Reaches Out to Help Foster Youth With Food and Support

Author: Amanda Schaap, Voices for Children

CASA Delivers Groceries and Connection

CASA Delivers Groceries and Connection

During this time, Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers, who are trained and supported by Voices for Children to advocate on behalf of local foster children, are going above and beyond to ensure children’s needs are being met.

One example is the story of CASA Kristin and Destiny.*

Kristin has been Destiny’s CASA for over a year and a half. After turning 18, Destiny moved into an apartment through a transitional housing program for foster youth. With the support of CASA Kristin, she has done well in her new living situation.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, Destiny shared with Kristin that she has been very concerned because her immune system is compromised. Destiny has Graves’ Disease which is an autoimmune disorder that causes an overactive thyroid. She even confided that she has had challenges obtaining food now that she is living on her own.

Upon hearing this, CASA Kristin went to the grocery store, purchased several non-perishable food items, and dropped them off on the teen’s doorstep. Destiny was so grateful!

Kristin continues to support Destiny during these challenging times, checking in with her every few days through text messages or a phone call. Simple acts of support like texts, calls, and stocking a pantry help our youth know that they are not alone and that they can be open about their concerns and struggles in times of need.

To learn more about becoming a CASA, visit: SpeakUpNow.org/volunteer-2/

*Names and other identifying details have been changed to protect confidentiality.