Mental Health Systems, Inc.

Mental Health Systems, Inc. (MHS) joined Live Well San Diego as a recognized partner on December 12, 2014. MHS is a non-profit organization founded in 1978 to provide innovative and cost-effective mental health and drug and alcohol recovery services. Its Vision is to provide services that lead to rich, full lives for individuals and families. Its Mission is to improve the lives of individuals, families and communities impacted by substance abuse and behavioral health disorders.

MHS was established to improve people’s lives and instill hope by using new and creative treatment strategies that respect time-proven methods of intervention. Currently, MHS operates more than 80 community-based programs throughout California for people who either cannot afford privately paid services or for whom appropriate services are not otherwise available.

MHS’ services address behavioral health issues through a broad range of prevention, early intervention, integrated treatment, diversion and vocational programs that are culturally appropriate and strengths-based. Its outpatient, residential and home-based programs serve: children, adolescents and transition-age youth; adults and older adults; homeless; veterans and military families; and adult offenders under federal, state and county jurisdictions. All programs and services are provided in a client-focused, compassionate manner that underscores MHS’ founding values of Integrity, Excellence, Hope, Action, Innovation and Dignity.

MHS is a behavioral healthcare leader in the communities they serve.  As such, they are committed to setting an example and sharing knowledge and resources to broaden collective impact and further wellness for their employees, clients and the community as a whole.

When asked what captured her attention about the Live Well San Diego initiative, President and Chief Executive Officer, Kimberly Bond, replied:  “It was the innovative and passionate nature of the Live Well San Diego initiative, together with how it involves partners across all sectors of the community that captured our attention.  Moreover, as our promotion of health and safety activities is consistent with the initiative, its launch and implementation have not only captivated our attention, but our whole-hearted support.” 

Mental Health Systems


Read the Partner Proclamation


Read Mental Health Systems' Commitment Letter


Learn more about Mental Health Systems